Tuesday, February 26, 2008

An Invitation

Well I am exhausted right now, but still have quite the list that I want to accomplish before I go to bed, and I have a bad headache. Sad.
Anyways, us girls got invited by a lovely young couple in the church on Sunday for dinner tonight. They are such a sweet family and I didn't know them well until tonight. It's hard to get to know everyone so well in the church and the way you want to, especially with a large congregation.
She fixed us one of my favorite meals, enchiladas! It was amazing and I ate four. Sounds like a lot, but it's not that much because the tortillas are small. But it still filled me up. We also played Chinese Checkers, which I have never played in my life, nor just the normal kind of checkers. It was a lot of fun and we even got to play with a lady that is living with them, since her husband died not too long ago, and she has been coming to church.
I pray that I can be a blessing to people and that God uses me as a tool in my ministry, the way people are a blessing to me here.


Zack said...

God bless you in all of that! I believe He will. Praying for you!

J'Lae said...

It was fun and good to get to know them. I know that God is using you here Megan. Keep smiling and sharing God's joy with others. You are so encouraging in so many ways!!

Anonymous said...
