Monday, February 18, 2008

Good Times

Well... I think a lot has happened since I last blogged.

First of all we just got back on the 13th of Feb. from Mexico City. My team went down to visit the AIM class from this year for about a week. It was so good to see some of my close friends and my assistants. And also making new friendships and memories with them.
Also while we were there Donovan's family came down to see him and Annie's mom decided to surprise Annie by not telling her she was coming on the trip. It was quite exciting and they headed back with us to Leon to spend time with them and see our work here.
I am so excited for our new Leon team that is coming in May. They seem to be a great group and I can't wait to see what God is already planning for them. Even though I can see a lot of differences from our team and theirs, I can see that we are going to be a strong working family for the Lord. Please continue to keep them in your prayers and also the other teams that will be spread out into the world in just a few short months.

This weekend we hosted a Marriage Seminar for 2 days. It went really well and we had a positive turn out. The guest speaker was from Toluca, a city in Mexico City. It is the Rubio's supporting congregation, so a lot of people came from there and enjoyed seeing them.

The AIMers on the other hand babysat the kids and we had about 30 kids including us. I voluntered for cooking supper for them. I have to say it didn't turn out to what I expected, which is what God does anyways. He flips it around and makes it better.

The 1st night I decided that I would cook hot dogs. I started preparing them and getting everything ready before all the kids showed up. Turns out their was no gas! haha. So praise God that there was a microwave that the Johnson family left when they moved. It was quite interesting and took a long time to cook 40 hotdogs, but in the end it was worth it.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the update!!

Unknown said...

you did a great job with the food. thanks for all your hard work. Keep pushing yourself and trying new things... God will help in the growth. love you, Tana

Zack said...

I'm so glad you and your team got to meet the AIMers in Mexico City and meet the Leon Team from the current group of AIMers. How exiting!
God bless you!
Praying for you!