Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Times Like These

Last night Annie and I were in a real movie mood. I was personally exhausted from a busy day but wanted to spend time with one of my friends that I cherish most. I know I won't have these moments forever. We have been really busy lately with our ministries and trips. I think sometimes we forget to take time for ourselves here.
I love it when I just get to relax and take it easy somedays. I used to have the mindset when I first got here that if I took time or did anything for myself I felt a scence of guilt almost like it was a sin to do anything for myself. I do not really have that mindset anymore even though I like to do things for others more than myself.
I am so filled with God's joy that He put me here for a purpose with my team.
Annie and I did watch Ice Age 2 and laughed ourselves almost to sleep until 1 in the morning. Love you girl.


Zack said...

So glad y'all had fun! Great choice too. Ice Age 2 is a really good movie! Yes, we all need to take some time and chill. Glad you and Annie took some time off for yourselves! God bless!

anniekatejones said...

haha! i love you too!

Unknown said...

You are doing great Megan.. I am glad God has brought you here... Keep it up.. Rest, work, play, do it all. And keep bowling... your good at it. Love you....