Monday, December 1, 2008


Hello dear friends!
Today marks the near week and 1/2 mark for me returning to the states. I thought that I would just remind all of you that I would love to hug your neck at the airport when I return on the 11th of December at 2:10 pm.
I am craving a nice BBQ meal when I return, so if you would also like to join me and my family afterwards for that you are more than welcome to come to that also. I can't wait to see you all! Wow! Time flies like fans!! ~Megan

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Time for Elections

Thursday, October 30, 2008

carboard testimonies

News update: My grandfather who I blogged about last is now in a wonderful nursing home. It's nearly like a hospital except you can get to know the people and he says that the food is better. He is starting to eat again, but his body is so week he does not have the strength to keep his dentures in and so everything he eats is liquefied. It is a miracle that he is doing better and all of this is because of God.

I've been thinking for a while now of what I want to blog about. If you have the time, I promise it's totally worth it. It made me wonder what my cardboard testimony would be, and I'm still thinking about it. I thought that I could upload the videos on my blog, but apparently I can't. (all you need to do it go to and type in cardboard testimonies.)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Hello again everyone! I just have a quick request for you to please pray for.
My grandfather (my mom's mom) is not doing well at all.
It's not a matter of "if " anymore but "when" for him. He is 91 years old, but the pictures I have of him in my mind are young. Most of all I want God's will to be done in this, but it has been hard because I think of what I want for him. He was put into an assisted living residence the middle of my AIM time. Now, he is declined to live in assisted living and will be submitted to a nursing home. He is rapidly decreasing day by day and refusing to eat, which is making him dehydrated, and is making a decline to do ANYTHING for himself. Since he is not eating or drinking, this is a sign that he is giving up.
Please, please, please keep this situation and my grandpa in your prayers. I would really apprecitate it.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I really like this quote...

In every area of your life,
be generous when you don't have to be.
In relationships,
forgive freely, show kindness, and be gentle.
At work, give your best,
do more than is expected, and live with integrity.
In service to God's people,
give generously, serve willingly,
and lay down your life for the sake of the Lord.
Go the second mile!
The world sees us on the first mile;
they see Christ on the second.
~Dr. Melvin Blackaby

Sunday, September 21, 2008

I Think It's Starting To Sink In

I think this is going to be a little bit short, but I thought expressing myself through writing would help.
Lately my emotions have been on a roller coaster ride. Some moments I feel like I'm jumping through a field of daises and sunshine.... and then the next moment I'm depressed. I often catch myself asking "What is wrong with me?!"
I was sitting today in church by what I like to call my "Mexican Mom", Patricia. (She is my small group mom too, as I like to call it. She is so sweet and full of life and I love to talk to her because she has such a Godly perspective on life.)
I was trying so hard to pay attention to the sermon, but really all I could think about was how much time I have left here and how blessed I am to be here in Leon and sitting by Patty, and to have the church family that I do. And about how I feel like I want to just go home at some moments and then at the same time I don't want to leave!
I'm in a glass case of emotions!" as Will Ferrell says on Anchorman.
I kept telling myself how I am not going to cry over and over in my head.
After the service I went over to Annie, because no one was talking to her, and asked her for a hug. I don't know what it was, but my emotions couldn't take it anymore and heaven's flood gates filled my eyes. So to say the least I think it's starting to sink in.
Thank you, all of you, for making me have this opportunity... to make me feel the emotions that I have, and for me to get to meet and grow with my brothers and sisters in Christ here!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008


So much has been going on lately, but not a good enough excuse for why I haven't blogged in nearly a month.
There has been so much going on I really don't know where to begin. I guess I will start out by how much God has blessed us over-abundantly with our work here in Leon.
I am currently working on a lesson to teach to the girls group next Monday. I am super excited that I get to teach, but I also seem to get the nervous feel when I teach. Please pray that God will deliver his words through me, for what he wants me to teach to the girls.
I am also helping Barb with another side ministry. She really works hard every week on preparing the lessons on Sunday for the teachers. Sometimes it gets overwhelming or she would like a little bit of help or some ideas from another person. She was so thoughtful in asking me, and I am so proud that she did too.

This isn't too much, but hopefully this shows you how much God is working all around us.