Friday, May 2, 2008

A Lot of Things

I have been extremely busy lately and its why I haven't posted in a while! Things have been crazy here in Leon, and God is growing and blessing the work.
Here are a few things...
1. Tomorrow my parents are coming! I am super excited as well as they are too. I am getting to the point of counting down by the hour now. As of now... 16 more hours to go!
Please pray as they are traveling tomorrow. They are going to be worn out puppies when they get here, I just know it.

2. This past Monday we had a girls group that we have been doing for about a month and this past one I taught it. We had the biggest turnout of mostly everyone coming and I was extremely nervous, but could tell as much trouble as I had in saying things, God was saying it through me. I taught on the purpose of our individual lives. It was interesting and challenging for me to study and we had a lot of responses from the girls. Please pray for the girls and there hearts to be softened and for them to want to know God more.

3. Us girls are moving! Our contract on our house expired 3 months ago and our landlord has been nice enough for us to live for now monthly until we found a cheaper house or apartment. We are moving across the street and down the block. It has been a stressful, but overall a good process that we are excited about. Please pray for this situation also.

I know this is kind of short, but this is the shortest run down. Thank you all for your love and prayers. I think of all of you and keep you in my prayers. God Bless you all as He may fill your cup to overflowing!


Anonymous said...

so it is nice to be in Leon with you..keep aiming!