Monday, May 26, 2008

A Lot Has Been Going On

Sorry I haven't been faithfull to this blog lately. When you recieve my newsletter in a couple of days and I also give you a run down here, you will see why!
2 weeks ago today my parents left from Leon. They came the 3rd of May and stayed for 9 days. It was refreshing to get to see them and for them to spend time with me in my work down here. They told me they didn't want me to cancel or reschedule any of my studies and normal daily activies because of them. They wanted to live and walk in the foot steps of what I do! In the free time that we didn't have things, we did the fun touristy stuff. Like going downtown, going to Guanajuato, the leather market, and the park. Like I said, I am so glad they came, and that God gave us the opportunity to do so.
The day after my parents left, we moved!! Since our contract on the house expired 3 months before, our landlord was graciously letting us pay by month until we found an apartment to rent! After the long look and work, we found an apartment accross the street and down the block from our old house. I praise God for everything that he did to get us this far. He deserves ALL the glory!
Not only did we move, the boys moved the same day! We both had to move out by a certain time. It happened so quickly and all at once, but it has all been great! If you can imagine moving furniture and items for 2 houses in 1 day... it wears you out!!
I think I just recovered from all the stress and lack of sleep from my parents being here to moving. We all love our new homes. And us girls especially, we feel that its more homey, because we don't have so much wasted space.
Thank you for letting me live in a country that spoils me and lets me share the Gospel. I would not be where I am today, if it wasn't for your prayers, care packages, and support. Love you all.