Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Prayers and Thank You

I would love you to please keep my entire family in your prayers. My grandparents on both sides are not in good health. Its hard being away from home, when you here things that aren't good to your ears, you want to be there so bad. Pray for my family to come to some conclusions and to resolve somethings with a Godly heart. Please also pray for me to have faith and peace. I want to be content and joyful in all circumstances.
My dad is also experiencing heart problems. He thinks his phone is vibrating in his shirt pocket, when its actually his heart! Weird, I know.
A praise!!! We are officially in our rainy season here, praise God. My allergies are experiencing joyfullness! It has been raining here for several days now, which is good because it really gives us a break from the heat. Although, it is rather strange to be wearing a jacket in the middle of June.

Thank you all for you love. May God give you his peace and abundance of love.


J'Lae said...

hey You and your family are in my prayers if you every need a shoulder or someone to talk to you know where I live. I love you!