Sunday, September 9, 2007

God is Radical

So much has happened in the past few days. It has been such a blessing for me to see how God works in so many ways. It has also been challenging for me the past few days, because I have been speaking more Spanish. Which is a good thing. I am a very outgoing people person, but when it comes to speaking a different language I am very timid and shy. I know that God is really trying to tell me something, by doing so many things the past couple of weeks.

About 2 weeks ago the church routine for classes changed. Which means that I had a different job. I was terrified at first to find out that I was put with 2 ladies from the church. Of course they speak Spanish and I was used to helping in a class with one of the missionaries wives. It was so easy for me to be in that classroom because I really didn't have to speak Spanish. So I know that God really is trying to push me out of my comfort zone. I can't push myself, I just have to let God to what He does best for me. By putting my faith and trust in Him.

This past Thursday night I had small group. Instead, this time we did it differently. Just recently one of the AIM girls found out that one of the church family members were in a bind. The husband just left the family and do not know if he is going to come back. He has done this before she said. But this time the situation was worse. The whole family and 5 kids were in a crackerbox apartment. They had no furniture and barely any food. They were all sleeping on the floor, because there is really no place else to sleep.
So Thursday after Spanish class, Donovan, Heather, and I went to Walmart to get $20 each worth of groceries. We bought so much, with such little cost. We mainly bought food that had protien content. Because poor families usually do not eat a lot of protien since it usually costs more.
That night we met up and went to the house of the family. The two women came out and started crying and hugging us. They were so happy and humbled that we were there. We had small group there and sang. Donovan shared a scripture. The daughter and son of Chris Johnson, my coordinator, gave away some of their favorite toys.
I told Christian, the son, that he did something very good. And something that not a lot of adults could even do. He told me that he was really sad. But he was also happy, because the kids were happy. He said even though those toys were really cool and also some of my favorites, I knew that they needed it more than me.
This was an extremely poor neighborhood. I think this place made me think of how blessed I really am. A part of me wishes that I was poor, so the only thing really I had was to really rely on God more than anything. I wouldn't really think about the worldly things so much, instead I think I would have my eyes fixed on Jesus more.

Tonights church service was amazing. Recently 3 young me in their early 20s have been coming to church. I really don't know how they found out about the church. But God does work in mysterious ways that we do not know. 1 of the 3 always comes to church drunk. He sometimes even shouts out things that really don't make sense in the middle of service. But you have to love him anyways, just as Jesus loves us. Tonight just one of the guys came. He has been really taking this seriously. He showed up in the middle of service. I was helping Bill babysit the kids, but Bill really wanted to help him out. So I grabbed Annie to come help me. I couldn't think of a better person than Bill to help out this young man.
The man looked really depressed when he came in and was holding a beer bottle. He said that he couldn't take it anymore. Its just so addicting even though I want to get rid of this so bad. I need help.
I really don't know what Bill told him and the whole story, but I do know that this man is searching. He needs something that lasts eternally and that really does permanantly take the pain away, Jesus, not the beer.
Please be praying about these 3 young men and the one that is really seeking the Truth. Please also be praying for God to crack my comfort zone shell even more. I really do care about these people here. I do know that the language is not the field, its just how you talk to people. The only way you can really connect with people is that they will know us by our love.


Zack said...

Great stories here Megan. I'll be praying for that family and the 3 men you spoke about. God bless you and all of those who are with you. We're all praying for you and your group. Blessings!